Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

Wahana Tekhnologi

Enhancing the Hidden–Positive–Impact of Social Media
     Social–media is now becoming more popular, and its popularity is getting more important as our daily–need; we, thus, are not able to live without. There is not limitation of places and time to users in accessing the social–media like in public places i.e. schools, campuses, workplaces, restaurants, end even shopping–centers. In fact, during working–hours the users make use of these moments to stick on social–media. Facebook is engendering one of famous social–media which is being accessed all the time. Chatting, updating, and quick–responding activities i.e. giving a ‘thumb’, and giving ‘testimonies’ are nowadays seem like becoming their daily–routines. Seeing this phenomenon is arising an important–question, can we here take a tiny bit positive–side of social–media so that we are not just wasting our priceless–time to do bad–things but turning these activities into useful ones to the others? The answer is, there is not an impossible–thing except we are not trying it first. There are two steps we can proceed here as trial–solutions (is hoped to be long–lasting and efficacious–solutions) i.e. updating newsworthy–information, and developing educative–fans–page.
     First of all is updating newsworthy–information. Please consider we are an English language learner, we can here entirely update our ‘statuses’ in English, do not be afraid whether our English is mistakable or not since it needs long–time–progressed to make our English better. Moreover, correctness is judged through incorrectness; do not worry making some more mistakes for there are more references we can learn still. Besides, this can rehearse us to be accustomed to write English sentences; practice what we have learn in our school. In addition, our statuses can be more educative or be attractive if we tag some of our friends to participate in it. For instance, we make a simple–English–quiz which involving our friends. There will be mutual–sharing–activities there, as it needs a deep–analysis in giving comments so that we do not just update glimpse–statuses, yet it is going to be ‘extraordinary–statuses.’ This is hoped to be an alternative–solution to enhance the positive–impact of social–media.
     The second one which is hoped not to be the last is developing educative–fans–page in Facebook. Facebook users can create pages allowing fans of an individual, organization, product, service, or concept to like or subscribe to the page posts and updates. Pages look and behave much like a user's personal private profile, but they are also integrated with Facebook's advertising system, allowing owners to easily advertise to Facebook's users. Owners (admins) can send updates to their fans, and they also have access to insights and analytics of their fan base. While an individual with a personal profile can acquire up to 5,000 friends, a Facebook page can have an unlimited number of likes and subscribers. Pages can also be customized by adding new third–party apps, presented in a form of Tab icons on a page. This powerful feature can tactically be used to another function i.e. we share knowledgeable–information–sharing in this pages, and invite some more friends or subscribers to unswervingly involve in these pages. This is more useful–posting–activities being done instead of wasting time updating unfavorable–posts. In April 2010, it was announced that "community pages" would integrate content from Wikipedia, under a Creative Commons license. Therefore, there will be a worldwide–resources we can gain on a single–click.
     In summary, these two trial–solutions i.e. updating newsworthy–information, and developing educative–fans–page are demanded giving positive–contribution in order to diminish endless–negative–impacts of social–media. In the end, we do hope that these will be long–lasting and efficacious–solutions.
Wait for my next composition, see ya!
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